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Wario Land

October 29, 2010

Wario Land 2, drawn 10/26/10

I did this a few days ago and didn’t bother to put it up until today. I think this one is the best so far – I keep stretching everything out heightwise in all of these drawings though! Wario’s face is way stouter than this on the actual WL2 cover. I’m making progress though.

It’s tougher to get motivated right after midterms went really well and there’s still a long time until Thanksgiving break. Hopefully, though, this weekend will include a lot of progress on whatever it is I feel I need to make progress on, because most of my roommates are going the Rally to Restore Sanity in Washington DC (I registered for the bus too late!) So I’ll be chilling out here, being compulsively productive as usual. I saw Obama on the Daily Show the other night, by the way – it was crazy go nuts. I had no idea what to expect, and it ended up being a lot of Obama defending himself rather pointedly. He’s scary, man. Such a powerful speaker.

Also, I’m listening to Tobacco as we speak (as I type) – Fucked Up Friends. It’s a pretty cool electronic instrumental album with a lot of crazy synth action in it. Synth action is one of the best kinds of action. I don’t know any other Tobacco, but this album is super cool, so maybe you might possibly check it out, maybe.

I have made a vow to myself that I will eventually complete Ikaruga, but that game is ridiculously hard…like stupidly hard. I usually get halfway through the final chapter and then eat it on the part with the two trails that keep following you in circles. I’ve made it to the very last surivial stage about three times ever, and sometimes have no hope that I’ll ever actually finish. Eric has promised me Dibs (those little spherical treat things) if I ever do, so that’s something to work for, I suppose.

I’m at the stage of the game’s design now at which the core engine functionality is (arguably) complete, and the big deal now is designing and drawing all of the enemies and stages – adding them to the existing engine is the easy part. I’m sort of hitting a wall with that, but it’ll come to me. I’m experimenting with different ways to get a classic old-school game look out of the Gimp, with moderate success (snap to grid and a really big brush size, if you’re wondering). Right now, the main thing this project is lacking is a fun factor. I think once it becomes difficult, it’ll add a lot of playability, ironically.

I wish I’d had a room this cool growing up.

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